
Showing posts from May, 2012

Blinded by the client

Don't you hate it when people are pestering you with client focus? These days everybody in an organisation should be focused on the client, it seems. I'm not sure this is always a healthy situation. As a matter of fact, I'm writing these words on an airplane heading to Dublin. I hope and I pray that the pilot is not focused on the client, but rather on his airplane dashboard. Sure, we all know that organizations should be client focused if they want to survive, but that does not mean that all members of the organization should be client focused all of the time. It seems to be the business equivalent of the Robinson effect (Robinson, W.S. (1950). "Ecological Correlations and the Behavior of Individuals". American Sociological Review 15: 351 – 357.). Based on the 1930 US census, William S. Robinson found a positive correlation between the literacy rate of a state and the percentage of inhabitants born outside the US, while at the individual level this  correlation...