Wisdom of the crowds revisited: 10,000 readers of the Volkskrant can't be wrong
We're about three weeks after the elections in The Netherlands but it seems like the discussion on the opinion polls is not finished yet. Especially in Belgium there is a lot of interest in the subject, probably because next week there will be municipal elections here. The general feeling in the media is that the accuracy of the polls in The Netherlands was not good. I tried to put the so called bad results in perspective by expressing the difference between a poll and the actual result in function of the sample size. You can find that blog post here . I would like to come back on this subject, after reading an article on Volkskrant.nl, the online version of De Volksksrant, a popular newspaper in The Netherlands. If you speak Dutch you can read that article here . The title says that 9069 readers op Volkskrant.nl made a wrong prediction of the election results. There are a few remarkable things about this article. To start with, the winner, i.e. the participant who deviated th...